REMIT Inside Information Platform:
Report in a simple & effective way
According to the revised REMIT companies must report their inside information via an Inside Information Platform. That includes market participants without assets or with assets < 100 MW.
With the EEX Inside Information Messenger you can disclose your inside information effectively via the approved EEX Transparency Platform.
REMIT stands for Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market and Integrity and Transparency (EU 1227/2011).
Since 7 May 2024, it is mandatory for Market Participants (MPs) to use Inside Information Platforms (IIPs).
Revised REMIT - What is new?
The revised REMIT regulation has the following main elements:
- Scope of REMIT expanded e.g. including of energy storage and hydrogen (EU 2024/1789)
- Closer alignment with financial markets through amendments of definition e.g. market manipulation
- Granted investigatory power in cross-border cases for ACER
- Harmonizing level of fines (enforcement at national level)
- Enhance transparency, data quality & reporting
What will change for the market participants?
Many companies publish their inside information on their own company website. However, since 7 May 2024, reporting via their own website no longer complies with the ACER requirements. Accordingly, notifiable information must be disclosed via so-called Inside Information Platform (IIP). Market participants without plants or with plants < 100 MW must also report market-relevant information via an IIP.
When registering as a market participant in the Centralised European Register of Energy Market Participants (CEREMP), companies must indicate where they publish their inside information, regardless of whether any information subject to future reporting requirements under Article 4 REMIT exists.

Are you subject to the obligation to notify according to Regulation (EU) 1227/2011 and do not publish your information at all or only via your website? Fulfill your REMIT reporting obligation effectively, efficiently and securely in the future – with the EEX Inside Information Messenger or connect directly to our web service API.
Report REMIT inside information –
the all-round care-free packages
EEX Inside Information Messenger
Business- REMIT 2.0 ready and high availability incl. backup solution
- Secure and certificate-based solution
- Reporting of business/other inside information via ad hoc ticker
- Disclosure of facility inside information
- Manual data entry via web interface
- Data Validation
- Status report (Receipt ok/nok, Acknowledgement ok/nok)
- Possibility of correction/history
- Export of the reporting history
- Support hotline included (professional & technical)
EEX Inside Information Messenger
Business & Facility- REMIT 2.0 ready and high availability incl. backup solution
- Secure and certificate-based solution
- Reporting of business/other inside information via ad hoc ticker
- Disclosure of facility inside information
- Manual data entry via web interface
- Data Validation
- Status report (Receipt ok/nok, Acknowledgement ok/nok)
- Possibility of correction/history
- Export of the reporting history
- Support hotline included (professional & technical)
* The fees for publication and forwarding can be found in the price list of the EEX (chapter Transparency Services), page 31.
System Requirements: Browser (Google Chrome (current version), Mozilla Firefox (current version), Microsoft Edge)
Do you have generation plants ≥ 100 MW?
Everything for reporting in accordance with REMIT and the Transparency Regulation (EU) 543/2013 from a single source: On request, we will forward your data securely and timely to the ENTSO-E and other institutions. Depending on the number of your facilities, we will be happy to prepare an individual offer for you.
How it works:
Step 1
Enter data
Step 2
Data validation
Step 3
Reporting to ACER via Inside Information Platform
Step 4
Monitor the status of disclosure
Your benefits:
Effective reporting via the EEX Transparency Platform as ACER listed Inside Information Platform.
Transparent costs with monthly flat rate, no costs for hardware, software and support.
Report efficiently and easily – enter data, validate data, check status, done!
The highest security through e.g. encrypted communication, certificate-based messages, data protection in the cloud (ISO 27018) and ISO 27001 in the data center incl. backup solution.
Simple monitoring: You can keep an eye on the reporting status at all times via a web cockpit.
Many years of expertise: EEX approved as an RRM (Registered Reporting Mechanism) by ACER and as a third-party data provider by ENTSO-E.
No stress if the regulatory requirements change. Because we take care of them and further develop the EEX Inside Information Messenger accordingly.
Disclose inside information timely via EEX Transparency Platform!
Platzhalter (ausgeblendet)
What is inside information?
Inside information – often referred to as urgent market message (UMM) – is precise information that is not public knowledge and which, if it became public, would probably have a significant impact on energy market prices. Further explanations are available on the ACER website.
The REMIT regulation does not define thresholds here. Market participants must therefore decide for themselves whether the information is inside information. Tip: If in doubt, disclose information.
Who must disclose inside information?
Under REMIT, all participants in the electricity, gas and hydrogen market who are registered with a national regulatory authority in the EU are obliged to disclose inside information relating to the company or facilities effectively and timely.
Why should we use a platform like the EEX Transparency Platform?
The EEX Transparency Platform is approved and listed as Inside Information Platform at ACER and has been the central reporting platform in Europe for many years. More than 200 market participants from 20+ countries use the platform to publish insider information in accordance with REMIT, the EU Transparency Regulation and MAR. With the EEX Inside Information Messenger you can report your insider information comfortably, verifiably and, all above, effectively via a central platform directly to ACER. Furthermore, you can connect directly to our web service API with our tool or your own tool and automate your reporting.
What do we have to report with or without facilities?
Market participants without facilities are also obliged to disclose insider information pursuant to REMIT Art. 4 papa. 1 from their business activities (e.g. other market information).
Market participants with facilities can report production, consumption, storage and transmission assets for electricity, natural gas and hydrogen.
Will the deadline for reporting of inside information be extended?
No, according to ACER there will be no further extension beyond 7th May 2024.
How can I disclose my inside information effectively and timely if an Inside Information Platform (IIP) is not available?
Market participants should use the backup solution of the IIP in case the IIP is not available.
What status of application must an Inside Information Platform (IIP) have so that market participants report effectively?
Market Participants can effectively and timely report their inside information via an approved Inside Information Platform. The EEX Transparency Platform has been successfully approved by ACER.
How much does the support cost?
The support is included in your fee.
References: REMIT inside information
These and many other companies already publish their REMIT inside information via the EEX Transparency Platform.

Discover the EEX Transparency Platform
The REMIT transparency experts
European Energy Exchange AG (EEX)
The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading European energy exchange. It operates the EEX Transparency Platform as a central platform for the publication and forwarding of inside information in accordance with REMIT, the EU Transparency Regulation and MAR. For more than 13 years, companies have been able to fulfil their reporting obligations via this Inside Information Platform listed on ACER.
In cooperation:
Seven2one Informationssysteme GmbH
Seven2one is the technical operator of the EEX Transparency Platform and certified service provider of the EEX. For more than 15 years the company has been providing reporting solutions for different requirements – from individual solutions for companies with a high reporting volume to lean online tools for companies that report few.
Do you have any further questions?
Please contact us directly.
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